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Google Search Snippet Mentioned In Feature

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Google seems to be testing a new Google Search snippet carousel titled “mentioned in.” Under the main search result snippet, you can expand a new section called “mentioned in” that loads a carousel of snippets that show you what other websites this website is mentioned in.

This was spotted by Brodie Clark who posted this on X and wrote, “Whoa, this is interesting timing. Right after announcing removal of FAQ rich results, Google is testing a ‘mentioned in’ drop-down. Clicking ‘mentioned in’ links takes you to the content shown in the snippet using scroll-to-text.”

Here is the GIF he shared of this in action:

Google Mentioned In Snippet Carosuel

Here are static images he posted over here:


click for full size


click for full size

Here are others who see this feature, and note, some do not see the arrow-down button to show the carousel, some see it open by default.

We’ve seen mentioned in within local business profiles and kind of in top stories tickers but this is a new version, I think.

Forum discussion at X.

Update: I see it on October 6th:

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