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Google Search Console Improves Video Indexing Reporting

Google Tape Video Roll

Google has released a Search Console update to improve the video indexing reporting. Google said this will provide you with more specific issues with clear actions to help you make your videos more prominent on Google Search.

Instead of just showing the “Google could not determine the prominent video on the page” error Google will break it down into more specific details. They include:

Video outside the viewport: Reposition the video on the page so that the entire video is inside the renderable area of the page and seen when the page loads.
Video too small: Increase the height of the video so that it’s larger than 140px or the width of the video so that it’s larger than 140px and at least a third of the page’s width.
Video too tall: Decrease the height of the video so that it’s smaller than 1080px.

There might be some old messages showing up for the next three months but eventually these will be phased out for the new messages.

Here is what they look like:

click for full size

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