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Confirmed: Scrolling Arrows Now On All Google AdSense Ads?

Over the course of a 24 hour period, there has been an increase in reports that Google AdSense has been placing the arrows on many more AdSense ads. We call them scrolling AdSense ads and we first reported Google testing them back in December of last year.

It seems like Google may have made this feature a default for all standard Google AdSense ads. Here are two examples from two of my sites, which did not have the arrows on them beforehand.

Google AdSense Ads Scrolling Now Default?

Google AdSense Ads Scrolling Now Default?

Maybe the scrolling feature worked so well that Google decided to add them to all of their ads? It would be nice, as a publisher, to be given the option to show the arrows or not.

Forum discussion at DigitalPoint Forums and WebmasterWorld.

Update: Google has just (3:30pm (EST)) confirmed that all AdSense ads now have the scrolling feature. Google said:

I love finding these things out before it is officially announced.

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