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Daily Search Forum Recap: January 19, 2009

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

Google Drops iPhone Optimized iGoogle: Users Revolt
A year ago, Google released an optimized version of iGoogle for the iPhone. But recently, Google began redirecting iPhone users away from that optimized version, and to the standard mobile version of iGoogle. The optimized version was located at and here is a screen capture from Google Operating System. Now, users are redirected to, which is the standard mobile version, it looks like this: This seemed to start happening on Thursday, and since
Google Apps is Safe For Video Uploads Despite Google Video Upload Cuts
The other day, we reported that Google began cutting jobs, offices and services. Part of that, was cutting the ability to do video uploads at Google Video. A concerned Google Apps user asked a valid question. He asked in a Google Video Help thread, does this impact Google App Premium users. The answer was no, Google Apps Premier users still can upload videos, as part of the service. In fact, Google had to update their
Take the 2009 SEMPO In-House SEM Salary Survey
SEMPO is running their yearly survey for in-house SEMs. They are asking all in-house SEMs to take the salary survey. The survey is available at this location and is available until February 20th, 2009. The survey is 22 questions and should not take more then 10 minutes. It is also completely anonymous. I am very interested in seeing how the recession may or may not impact SEM salaries and jobs. So if you have ten
Google Toolbar PageRank Drops Over January ’09 Weekend
Over the weekend, I noticed many reports from a wide array of search forums, where webmasters are noticing their PageRank scores drop in the Google Toolbar. We have threads from WebmasterWorld, two from DigitalPoint Forums, and a Google Webmaster Help thread. All filled with complaints that their toolbar PageRank scores have dropped, many dropped to zero. In addition, an update to the WebmasterWorld thread on the Google January 2009 changes was also noticed, where some
Yahoo Search & January 2009 Search Updates?
Textex at WebmasterWorld is reporting that he is seeing both an update and a Yahoo Search update. He first noticed Yahoo Search changes yesterday afternoon, saying “Seeing movement.” He was then backed up by full member, Vimes, who said, “I’m seeing something not sure if I’d call it an update just yet, the sectors i look at there is a shuffle.” So this may be the beginning of a Yahoo update or it might
Martin Luther King Day 2009: Logos from Google, Yahoo, Ask, Live, Dogpile & More
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and many of the search engines, including Google, Yahoo,,, AOL, and others are remembering the day with special logos. Here is a collection of logos from the various search engines in 2009. For last year’s collection, see over here. Google: Yahoo: AOL: DogPile: And us, at the Search Engine Roundtable: Tomorrow is inauguration day, so expect a batch of additional logos for tomorrow. Forum

Other Great Search Forum Threads:

Should "Official" sites be ranked higher, just because they are?, Google Webmaster Help
Century 21 Moves ALL Its National TV Money Online, Sphinn
Linked in gets abused with false profiles, Search Engine Watch Forums
Natural Links Are Best For Google SEO – Bollocks, Sphinn
Yahoo’s New CEO to Get $1 Million Salary, WebmasterWorld
EU charges Microsoft with antitrust violation, DigitalPoint Forums
What Not To Ask When Hiring an SEO, Sphinn

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