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Chinese Google Users Cannot Access

Yesterday, Google officially made a decision on how they will or will not operate in China. In short, they are redirecting Google.CN to but Google will still be operating in China, at least they hope to have an R&D office and sales office there. For more on the technical details and legality, see Danny’s post.

I have found a bunch of threads from Chinese users, some American, but in China, with complaints and issues about this change. There are people in China who want to access, but are also being redirected to (Google Hong Kong). The solution, in the old days, was to go to, but even that for them is being redirected to Google Hong Kong. I should add that the decision early on drove a ton of good will towards Google.

We have three threads at Google Web Search Help forums and here are some of the complaints:

I am not sure if there will be a solution for these people or not.

Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld, DigitalPoint Forums and Google Web Search Help.

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