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Daily Search Forum Recap: May 6, 2010

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

Google Makes Drastic Change To User Interface, Many Hate It
Google launched a new design for their search interface and it is also live on the mobile interface. There is no way for me to do a better post on the new Google UI than Danny Sullivan, so instead of trying, just go read what he wrote at Search Engine Land. When you are done, come back here to here the complaints in the forums. There is also tons and tons of articles on this,
Are More ‘White Hat’ SEO Techniques Being Classified As ‘Black Hat’?
A WebmasterWorld thread reminded me of a piece I wrote that attracted a lot of feedback from the industry. It was named Are SEO Blackhats Turning White or Is The Industry Melting? if you have not read it yet, go ahead, read it. Back then, I discussed how tactics that may have been considered black hat by some extreme white hats were no longer seen as so black. As tactics and Google became more transparent,
Google AdWords API Bringing Remarketing Support Mid-Q3 2010
It is very rare, very rare, for Google to talk about launch dates and/or when new features are coming to existing products, but today I spotted a thread in the AdWords API Forum where a Googler gave some details on an upcoming feature. A couple months back, Google launched a form of behavioral targeting, they call it “remarketing” in Google AdWords. Remarketing isn’t search ads, it is within the content network and is really a
Yahoo’s New Ad Campaign, Not Search But I Like It
This doesn’t change my opinion about Yahoo’s not being in search but I do love Yahoo as a portal and a home page. Yahoo, to me, was always that perfect home page and it seems like although they gave up on search, they are going back to their pre-search days, as a destination portal. From the Yahoo Corporate Blog, Yahoo shows off their new marketing message. Take a couple minutes to watch their message in
Google Image Search Update May 2010
Zeus, the man who is known to follow the Google Image Search index and report back on any changes, is updating us on the state of that index. In a WebmasterWorld thread, Zeus said there is a new update that just took place. He said he is happy overall with the changes, because he noticed more images added to the results when the searchsearch filter is set to on. He said this update took place
Google’s UK Elections Doodle Is Old Logo Design
Yesterday, as I will write about a bit later, Google launched the Jazz interface to everyone. Part of that is a new Google logo but today, Google went back to the old logo on Google UK. On Google UK, Google has a logo for the 2010 elections and the logo is the old Google style. Here is a picture: In any event, a Google Blogoscoped Forums thread has a comment from Roger Browne that this

Other Great Search Forum Threads:

Chrome Performance, Google Blogoscoped Forum Now Down For About 19 Hours, WebmasterWorld
8 SEO Myths Debunked, Sphinn

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