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Google To Tweak Content Farm Algorithm To Help Some Sites Accidentally Hurt By It

Google Collateral DamageWired reports Google’s Amit Singhal as saying they will be tweaking and fine tuning the Google Farmer Update to make it as close to a 100% accurate as possible.

I am not sure why anyone is surprised by this. Google does their best to release updates they think impact only sites they want to impact. But nothing is perfect and Google knows that. Whenever Google does an update, Google tweaks the update after collecting data where the algorithms potentially went wrong and this is no different.

Amit said:

As I said originally, “I suspect Google will continue to refine it based on feedback they get. Collateral damage is always part of this game.”

So if you were hit by this, I’d suggest you let Google know by posting in the Google Webmaster Help forums. Google will use that data, amongst other examples, to tweak this content farm algorithm. Not only will it give Google more examples, it will give you some emotional support. As of right now, we have just under 200 responses to our were you impacted by the farmer update poll – so take the poll, so we can get more data.

Forum discussion at Sphinn & WebmasterWorld.

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