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How To Get Google's List Snippets

Last month, we covered how Google started showing a new snippet named list snippets. They are designed specifically to make it easier for searchers to know what content is on a page with lots of navigation to other links, such as paginated pages with products, content and so on.

We even have them for our category pages:

Google's New Listing Snippets

But how do you get them for your site – that is if you want them?

Pete posted an article at SEOmoz on the patterns he has seen for sites that have received them. They include:

Use a consistent structure, whatever it is.
Keep extraneous code to a minimum.
Test removing your META description or setting it to “”.

He recommends you be careful with the last one, in fact my page that shows the snippet does indeed have a META description, so there is no real need to remove it.

Do you have any tips on making sure you get these rich snippets? Again, there is no official markup for it, Google does this on their own.

Forum discussion at Sphinn.

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