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Google Sends Out Tons Of Mobile-First Indexing Enabled Notices

Google Mobile Scroll

Starting earlier this week, Google began sending out tons of mobile-first indexing notices to webmasters. In fact, as I write this, I received a few more notices foe web sites I have verified in Google Search Console. We’ve covered the first several batches of mobile-first indexing notices in the past and skipped many in between. But this last batch, which has been ongoing for the past few days, is one of the largest batches out there.

In fact, even my corporate site, was moved over and it is one of those fancy mobile-friendly web sites. Prior, mostly sites that were not mobile-friendly were first moved but now, even mobile-friendly sites are being moved. I covered the topic here a ton so I am not going to rehash everything we’ve covered in the past.

Here is a screen shot of the notices I got recently, keep in mind, a bunch more came in between when I screen captured it and now:

Google Mobile First Indexing Notices

Here is the text of the alert:

Google Mobile First Alert

Here are some tweets related to this batch from Googlers or retweeted by Googlers:

All of this we covered before but hey – summed up in tweets helps.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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